- Inicio>
- Jarduerak>
- Jarduera esklusiboak: lurra, itsasoa eta airea>
A guide will accompany you to the farm, where you will see the cows in production, the farrowing room, the calves and the milking room. It will also explain how it works.
Once at the factory, we will explain to you from the outside how we transform milk into yoghurts and desserts, and also how the different production and fermentation processes are carried out.
And finally we will also tell you how we produce our jams in our factory.
At the end of the visit, there will be the option to watch an audiovisual about the organization and then we will give you a bag with a product tasting.
- Can Xargaytik 25 km.ra
- ordutegia (familiak): larunbatak, igandeak eta jai egunak 10etatik 14etara.
- ordutegia (taldeak): asteartetik ostiralera 10etatik 14etara.
- Gutxi gorabeherako iraupena 45 minutu
- Ez da behar gutxieneko talderik.
- Bisita hitzartzeko: deitu 972 68 10 11ra edo visites@fageda.com
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